Membership & Day Pass Rates (24/25 Season)
DAY PASSES: (increasing by $5/day)
If your not a CoqSnow member, $30 per person, $25 if your a member of any other club in B.C.(must show proof). You can buy ON-LINE in Store Window below
MEMBERSHIP RATES: (same as last year)
- Primary Membership $200 + $40 to BCSF (online, $30 extra at the Collection hut)
- Family Members $150 + $40 to BCSF (spouse, youth 16-18, $20 extra at Collection hut)
- Child Membership $20 + $20 to BCSF (15 and under). Only available if Parent is a member.
- Volunteers $150 + $40 BCSF (sledders who volunteered a day doing club project)
- Seniors – same as Primary (no discount anymore)
- note : BCSF charges a small admin fee to process memberships online
- What does BCSF do for Snowmobile clubs ? CLUB PROGRAMS
- You get Trail Pass for the Season
- You get to use “fast pass” lane into parking lot
- You are allowed overnight Camping in parking lot
- You have a say and vote at club meetings
- Discount on Liability & Sled Insurance with OASIS or CAPRI Insurance
- Discount on AST-1 courses
- Discount on Trail Passes at most other riding area’s
- Discounts at some Hotels in “Sled’n Towns”
- You are included in club mailing list
- Various other membership benefits arranged by BCSF
Call for details on different levels of advertising available for your business (Gerald @ 604-316-1600)
* * NEW SYSTEM FOR 2022-23 * *
– need to enter birth-dates for Family members to get proper discounts. Also discounts don’t show up until you get to Check-out page
(so no more Primary-Secondary-Youth-Senior membership types)
– PHOTO ID is now required, so be prepared to upload your profile picture, or take a selfie
– BCSF Fees are separate from our club Fees, so expect more details on invoice
– there is a 4.5% administration fee added, to cover BCSF’s costs of processing transactions
– start by clicking on Memberships, Become a Member, 2024-25 Season, then Register
– if your having trouble proceeding, look for Join or Register buttons, or try LOGIN MANUALLY
– some people have problems on cell phones, so consider using laptop/desktop. If all else fails, we will be selling manual memberships at Parking Lot, but there will be a larger Admin fee for club to process manually
Membership History…
2023-24 = 247 (very bad snow year, for most of BC)
2022-23 = 426
2021-22 = 357 (Hwy closed for 2 months after Nov disaster event)
2020-21 = 588
2019-20 = 412
2018-19 = 415
2017-18 = 378
2016-17 = 364
2015-16 = 354
2014-15 = 285
2013-14 = 294
Sled Registration
It’s mandatory to register your sleds in B.C. You’ll need your Bill of Sale (showing taxes paid) or Transfer Papers (if you bought used). Take this paperwork to any place selling ICBC insurance. You get a “Off Road Vehicle” decal for your sled. Cost is $48 (does not have to be renewed annually like automotive)
The club’s Commercial General Liability insurance extends to volunteers while working at the request of the club doing such things as grooming, trail maintenance, firewood work parties, etc. Our Liability Insurance covers Board Members/Managers running of the Club. It does not provide liability insurance when you are doing your normal riding of your machine. You can purchase liability insurance and/or personal accident and/or physical damage to your machine through Oasis Insurance Open Skies Off Road Insurance Program (discounts for club members) or check with a local insurance company.